Симфония «Манфред», си минор, ор. 58

Дата написания:



Lord Byron's poem "Manfred" is the basis for this composition of Tchaikovsky. It is the only one of his symphonies not to be numbered, apart from the uncompleted Symphony in E-flat minor. Tchaikovsky initially thought this piece was one of his best, then, in a typical change of mood, he thought it dreadful and even considered destroying the opening! The symphony is dedicated to Mily Balakirev, who was initially charged with writing this Symphony by the critic Vladimir Stasov. Feeling uncomfortable with the suggestions, Stasov asked Tchaikovsky to finish the task which Tchaikovsky then described as "consuming to the point of exhaustion." The Manfred Symphony was first performed in Moscow on 11 March 1886, with Max Erdmannsdörfer as conductor.

О композиторе

Дата рождения:

7 мая 1840 г.

Дата смерти:

6 ноября 1893 г.

В этом году конкурс приурочен к 175-летию со дня рождения Петра Ильича Чайковского, великого русского композитора. Таким образом, конкурс отмечает не только свой 15-летний юбилей, но и юбилей русского классика. Петр Ильич…

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